PLD - Professional learning and development

Ian Stevens is Maths Adventures’ enthusiastic and knowledgeable Ministry of Education accredited facilitator. He has a wealth of experience and expertise, understanding both classroom practice and educational theory. Ian has an ability to relate and connect with everyone, allowing him to be an asset in any situation. He is founder and director of Learning Adventures New Zealand Ltd, a collection of New Zealand education providers delivering Ministry of Education funded, and school funded, PLD.
For more information about PLD please contact:
- Teaching and learning
- Leaders of learning
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Assessment for learning
- Accelerating learning
- Primary and intermediate schools
The way we work:
- Workshops and courses: face to face and online
- Staff and syndicate/team meetings
- Demonstrations in classrooms
- Observation and feedback
- Coaching and mentoring
- Planning together and team teaching
- Fun Games Days for students, idea for teachers
Our approach is to work alongside leaders and teachers to develop PLD that meets their needs, in their situation. This could include staff meetings to improve problem solving, a syndicate meeting developing teacher‘s fraction knowledge, leaders evaluating an acceleration programme, or a workshop exploring how to develop more active, resilient and self managing kids.
Ian designed the ALiM programme (Accelerated Learning in Mathematics) as well as many maths resources, including the iPad app Math Slide, with over 11 million download around the world, and Data Cards, a statistics activity on the nzmaths website.
He has also been very fortunate to attend several international conferences:
- APEC Conference on Replicating Exemplary Practices in Mathematics Education inThailand 2010
- ISTE 2017 (International Society for Technology in Education) in San Antonio, USA
- New Pedagogies for Deep Learning Global Lab in Vancouver, Canada in 2018
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting & Exposition in Washington DC, USA 2018.
- Carnegie Foundation Summit for the Advancement of Teaching 2020 (online)
- 2020 Global Leadership Summit (online)
For more information about PLD please contact: