iPad & iPhone Apps
Go to the App Store to download an appMath Slide: Basic Facts
A multiplayer app helping kids understanding how numbers work, i.e. place value: ‘ones’, ‘tens’ …
Suitable for Apple’s Volume Purchasing Program
Math Slide: Basic Facts
A multiplayer app helping kids learn and practice basic number facts: add, subtract, multiply & divide.
Suitable for Apple’s Volume Purchasing Program
Number Find
Find numbers hidden on a 1 to 100 grid. A great way to help kids ‘see’ structure pattern in numbers to 100.
A free iPad app
The Basic Facts Game
A strategic thinking board game for two kids, adding numbers to make a line of four counters to win.
Free with in-app purchase.
Space Numbers
An app capturing numbers in space to reach a total to “Blast off!” Practicing fine motor skills and basic fact.
Paid and free versions with in-app purchases
Math Slide: tens & ones
An app helping kids learn and understanding number up to 100: ‘tens’ and ‘ones’. 10 games, collaborative and competition modes.
Free with in-app purchase
Math Slide: 'hundred', 'ten' and 'ones'
Ten games helping kids learn and understand how numbers work. Free.
Free with in-app purchase
Math Slide: add and subtract
An app helping kids learn and practice basic addition and subtraction facts. Free.
Free with in-app purchase
Math Slide: multiply and divide
An app helping kids learn and practice multiplication and division facts. Free.
Free with in-app purchase

More apps on the way
We are developing and updating apps all the time. Our latest update added a collaboration mode to the Math Slide apps so kids can work together and win.
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